Дополнительные библиографические источники и материалы
1. Adler B. Liberals Shouldn't Fear Chuck Hagel's Environmental Record // New Republic. 24.12. 2012 (http://www.newrepublic.com/blog/111397/liberals-shouldnt-fear-chuck-hagels-environmental-record).
2. Astana on the Atlantic: Transatlantic Strategy in Central Asia and the OSCE // Atlantic Council. 22.11. 2010 (http://www.acus.org/publication/astana-atlantic-transatlantic-strategy-central-asia-and-osce).
3. Foust J. Seeing Revolution Everywhere: The 'Kazakhstan Spring' That Isn't // The Atlantic. 20.12. 2011 (http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/12/seeing-revolution-everywhere-the-kazakhstan-spring-that-isnt/250275/).
4. Hagel Ch. The Limits оf Force // The Washington Post. 3.09. 2009 (http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2009-09-03/opinions/36871318_1_world-war-ii-foreign-policy-vietnam).
5. Halvorssen T. So Sue Me: DC Henchman of Kazakh Dictator Threatens HRF with Lawsuit // Forbes. 13.11. 2012 (http://www. href='contents.asp?titleid=3599' title='Forbes'>Forbes.com/sites/thorhalvorssen/2012/11/13/so-sue-me/).
6. Korte G. Hagel's Worldview Shaped by Business as Much as War // USA Today. 14.01. 2013 (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2013/01/13/chuck-hagel-business-interests/1820335/).
7. Kredo A. Borat, Chuck Hagel, and an Oil Company Walk into a Bar // The Washington Free Beacon. 11.02.2013 (http://freebeacon.com/borat-chuck-hagel-and-an-oil-company-walk-into-a-bar).
8. Pease K. International Organizations; Perspectives on Governance in the Twenty-First Century (Fourth Edition). New York: Longman. 2010. 239 p.
9. Ruff A. Why Progressives Should Oppose Hagel // The Progressive. 8.01.2013 (http://www.progressive.org/why-progressives-should-oppose-hagel).
10. Sen. Chuck Hagel Delivers Remarks to the Brookings Institution On U.S. Foreign Policy and the 2008 Presidential Campaign // Political Transcript Wire. 27.08.2009 (http://political-transcript-wire.vlex.com/vid/chuck-hagel-brookings-institution-u-65185906).
11. Silverstein K., and Williams B. Chuck Hagel's Think Tank, Its Donors, and Intellectual Independence // New Republic. 12.02.2013 (http://www.newrepublic.com/article/112398/chuck-hagels-atlantic-council-foreign-donors-and-independence#).
12. Twenty Years of Kazakhstan Independence and U.S. - Kazakhstan Relations. 31.01.2012. Atlantic Council (http://www.acus.org/event/twenty-years-kazakhstan-independence-and-us-kazakhstan-relations/transcript/intro-remarks).
13. U.S. Congress. Senate. Caspian Sea Oil Exports: Chuck Hagel. Congressional Testimony. June 8, 1998. Washington Transcript Service.
14. U.S. Congress. Senate. Subcommittee on International Economic Policy, Export and Trade Promotion. Hearing on Caspian Sea Oil. February 25, 1998. Congressional Testimony. Policy on Caspian Sea Oil Pipeline: Statement by Senator Chuck Hagel. Washington, D.C., 1998.
15. Wood P. Democrats Should Oppose Hagel Nomination // Irregular Times. 16.01.2013 (http://irregulartimes.com/index.php/archives/2013/01/16/democrats-should-oppose-hagel-nomination/).
16. Young C. Russia Remains the Same // Weekly Standard. 29.06.2009. Vol. 14. No. 39. P. 15.
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