Additional sources and materials
1. Istoriya Vtoroj mirovoj vojny. Moskva: Voennoe izdatel'stvo MO SSSR, 1980, T.11 [History of World War II. Moscow: Military Publishing House of the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Defense, 1980, Vol. 11.]
2. Riss K. Total'nyj shpionazh. Moskva: Voennoe izdatel'stvo Narodnogo komissariata oborony, 1945, 228 s. [Riess C. Total Espionage. Moscow: Military Publishing House of the Peoples Commissariat of Defense, 1945, 228 p.]
3. Sadovskaya N. Telokhranitel'. STORY, 2005, №9 (84).[Sadovskaya N. The Bodyguard. Story Journal, 2005, No. 9 (84)].
4. Ehjzenkhauehr D. Krestovyj pokhod v Evropu. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1980, 528 c. [Eisenhover D. Crusade in Europe. Moscow: Voenizdat, 1980, 528 p.].
5. FRUS 1945. Vol. VII. The Far East. China. Washington, 1969
6. Gilbert James L. World War I and the Origins of US Military Intelligence. The Scarecrow Press, Inc., Lanham, Toronto, Plymouth, UK, 2012.
7. Preparing for the 21st Century. An Appraisal of US Intelligence. Report of the Commission on Roles and Capabilities of the United States Intelligence Community. 1.03.1996.
8. Sulick M.J. American Spies. Georgetown University Press. US, 2013.
9. Zinn H. A People’s History of US. New York: HarperCollins, 1999.
10. Willett R.L. Anton Karachun: The Story of a Turncoat, Prologe (National Archives and Records Administration, 2009), p. 37.
12. Corps%28United States Army
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