Additional sources and materials
1. Vasil'ev V.S., Rogovskij E.A. Gryaduschaya finansovaya turbulentnost' // SShA ϖ Kanada: ehkonomika, politika, kul'tura. 2008. № 3.
2. Istoriya SShA. V chetyryokh tomakh. M., 1983-1987.
3. Krugman P. Kredo liberala. M., 2009.
4. Sogrin V.V. Istoricheskij opyt SShA. M., 2010.
5. Sogrin V.V. Progressivnaya ehra v SShA. Sovremennoe prochtenie // Amerikanskij ezhegodnik 2011. M., 2011.
6. Berle A., Means G.C. The Modern Corporation and Private Property. New York, 1933.
7. Billington R.A., Ridge M. Westwood Expansion. A History of the American Frontier. New York, London, 1982.
8. Burch P.H. Jr. Elites in American History. Vol. 2. The Civil War to the New Deal. New York, 1981.
9. Chinard G. Thomas Jefferson: The Apostle of Americanism. Boston, 1946.
10. Clements K.A. The Presidency of Woodrow Wilson. Lawrence (Kansas), 1992.
11. The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln: Vols. 1-9 / Ed. by R.F. Basler. New Brunswick (N.Y.), 1953-1955.
12. A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents 1789-1902. Vols. 1-12 / Ed. by J.D. Richardson. Washington, 1903.
13. Dye Th.R. Who's Running America? The Bush Restoration. Upper Saddle River. New York, 2002.
14. Encyclopedia of American Economic History / Ed. by G. Porter. Vols. 1-3. New York, 1980.
15. Goldberg R.A. America in the Twenties. Syracuse (N.Y.), 2003.
16. Historical Statistics of the United States. Washington, 1976.
17. Katz M.B., Stern M.J. One Nation Divisible: What America Was and What It Is Becoming. New York, 2006.
18. Kelly A.H., Harbison W.A. The American Constitution. Its Origins and Development. New York, 1970.
19. Kerbo H.R. Social Stratification and Inequality. Class Conflict in Historical and Comparative Perspective. New York, 1996.
20. LaFeber W., Polenberg R., Woloch N. The American Century. A History of the United State Since 1890's. New York, 1986.
21. McElvaine R.S. The Great Depression. America 1929-1941. New York, 1984.
22. Nothing to Fear: The Selected Addresses of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 1932-1945. Cambridge, 1946.
23. The Papers of Alexander Hamilton. Vols. 1-26 / Ed. by H.C. Syrett. New York, London, 1961-1979.
24. The Papers of Thomas Jefferson / Ed. by J. Boyd et al. Princeton, 1950-.
25. Pessen E. Social Mobility // Encyclopedia of American Economic History / Ed. by G. Porter. Vols. 1-3. New York, 1980.
26. Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin Delano Roosevelt / Ed. by S.I. Rosenman. Vols. 1-13. New York, 1938-1950.
27. Roosevelt F.D. Looking Forward. New York, 1933.
28. Schlesinger A., Jr. The Age of Roosevelt. Vols. 1-3. Boston, 1957-1960.
29. Sobel R. Coolidge. An American Enigma. Washington, 1998.
30. Statistical Abstract of the United States 2003. Washington, 2003.
31. Statistical Abstract of the United States 2011. Washington, 2010.
32. Wilson W. The New Freedom. New York, 1913.
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