Additional sources and materials
1. Avtonomov A.S. Konstitutsionnoe (gosudarstvennoe) pravo zarubezhnykh stran. M.: «Prospekt», 2006. 560 s.
2. Bernam U. Pravovaya sistema SShA. M.: Novaya yustitsiya, 2006. 1216 s.
3. Vlasikhin V.A. Sudebnaya sistema / Gosudarstvennyj stroj SShA. Otv. red. Nikiforov A.S. M.: Yuridicheskaya literatura, 1976. 328 s.
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5. Grafskij V.G. Istoriya politicheskikh i pravovykh uchenij. M.: Norma, 2009. 736 s.
6. David R. Osnovnye pravovye sistemy sovremennosti. M.: Progress, 1988. 495 s.
7. Zhakke Zh.-P. Konstitutsionnoe pravo i politicheskie instituty. M.: Yurist', 2002. 365 s.
8. Kolokolov N.A., Pavlikov S.G. Teoriya sudebnykh sistem. M.: Yurlitinform, 2007. 312 s.
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10. Korolev S.V. Federalizm: teoriya, instituty, otnosheniya (sravnitel'no-pravovoe issledovanie) / Otv. red. Topornin B.N. M.: Yurist', 2001. 376 s.
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13. Sudebnye sistemy zapadnykh gosudarstv. / Pod. red. V.A. Tumanova. M.: Nauka, 1991. 240 s.
14. Tokvil' A. de Demokratiya v Amerike. M.: Progress, 1992. 559 s.
15. Ugolovnyj protsess zapadnykh gosudarstv / Pod red. K.F. Gutsenko. M.: Zertsalo-M, 2001. 470 s.
16. Uilson Dzh. Amerikanskoe pravitel'stvo. M.: Progress, Univers, 1995. 512 s.
17. Burnham W. Introduction to the Law and Legal System of the United States. Second edition. St. Paul.: West Group, 1999. 626 p.
18. Burns. J. MacGregor, Peltason J., Cronin Th., Magleby D. State and Local Politics. (Government by the People). Englewood Cliffs., N. J.: Prentice-Hall 1993. 306 p.
19. Charles R. Adrian. Governing Our Fifty States and Their Communities. N.Y., S. Francisco., Toronto., London., Sydney.: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1967. 133 p.
20. Fino S. The Role of State Supreme Courts in the New Judicial Federalism. N.Y., L., Westport (Connecticut): Greenwood Press, 1987. 154 p.
21. Goldberg A. Equal Justice. The Warren Era of the Supreme Court. N.Y.: Northwestern University Press, 1972. 117 p.
22. Graham B. Toward an Understanding of Judicial Diversity in American Courts // Michigan Journal of Race and Law. Fall 2004.
23. Kaye J. State Courts at the Dawn of a New Century: Common Law Courts Readings Statutes and Constitutions // New York University Law Review. April 1995. Vol. 70. No. 1. P. 1-35.
24. State and Local Government / Ed. by Thad L., Beyle. Washington: CQ Press, 2003.
25. State Justice Institute News. Spring 1993. Volume 4.
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