Knowledge and Understanding of Systems are Necessary Factors of Economic Development in the 21-st century
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Knowledge and Understanding of Systems are Necessary Factors of Economic Development in the 21-st century
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Lyudmila Konareva 
Occupation: Senior Researcher of the Institute for the U.S. and Canadien Studies, Russian Academy Sciences (ISKRAN)
Institute for the U.S. and Canadien Studies, Russian Academy Sciences (ISKRAN)
Member of the International Academy of Quality
Member of the American Society for Quality
Member of the International Quality Professionals Guild
Address: Khlebny per., 121069 Moscow, Russian Federation

st century leads to great successes in all fields of human activities. But at the same time new stage of economy development brings some negative phenomena, which cause international economic crisis and bring problems in companies management. Peter Senge and Russian academician D.Lvov foresaw such problems. Data on Education Index and Knowledge for Development Index are given. These data show the place of Russia among other countries in the world. System thinking is a necessity in knowledge economy. Basic points of System management theory of E.Deming and R. Ackoff are described. Main international ISO standards on management systems and management principles as well as mostly spread mistakes in management are described. Leadership and employees engagement in improving companies management systems are very important principles in knowledge economy. The results of the Gallup Institute study on employees engagement in companies activities in the USA are given. 

knowledge economy, system thinking, E. Deming, R. Ackoff, Peter Senge, D. Lvov, management mistakes, leadership, employee engagement
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