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The article is devoted to Canada’s participation in creating a new model of defense of North America. During this process Canada has denied from new more complex forms of military cooperation with the USA.
NORAD, Canada’s defense policy, continental defense, Arctic, missile defense
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Additional sources and materials

1. Volodin D.A. Uchastie Kanady v militarizatsii Arktiki // SShA v Kanada, 2015, № 6, c. 47-53 [Volodin D.A. Canada and Militarization of the Arctic. USA v Canada, 2015, no. 6, p.47-53.]. 
2. Abercrombie E. Canada’s Contribution to Defence of North America: An Update on the Tri-Command. 31.03.2014 (
3. Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United Sates of America on the North American Aerospace Defense Command. Ottawa. 28.04.2006. In Force: 12.05.2006 (
4. Berthiaume L. Canada, U.S. Set Ground Rules for Responding to Armed Attack // The Ottawa Citizen, 25.01.2012.
5. Bi-National Planning Group. Interim Report on Canada and the United States (CANUS) Enhanced Military Cooperation. 13.10.2004. 142 p.
6. Bi-National Planning Group. The Final Report on Canada and the United States (CANUS) Enhanced Military Cooperation. 13.03.2006. 160 p.
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9. Byers M. Continental Integration by Stealth // The Toronto Star, 28.04.2006.
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15. Defence of North America: A Canadian Responsibility. Report of the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence. September 2002. 103 p.
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17. Framework for Arctic Cooperation Among Aerospace Defence Command, United States Northern Command, and Canadian Joint Operations Command. 11.12.2012 (
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22. House of Commons. Standing Committee on National Defence. Evidence. 9.03.2015 (
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26. Jockel J., Sokosky J. Renewing NORAD - Now if Not Forever // Policy Options, July-August 2006. P. 53-58.
27. Jockel J., Sokolsky J. Special But Not Especially Important: Canada-U.S. Defense Relations Through the Doran Lenses. In: Forgotten Partnership Redux: Canada-U.S. Relations in the 21st Century. - Amherst: Cambria Press, 2011. P. 149-168.
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29. Miles D. Planning Group Weighs Value of “Maritime NORAD”. 4.11.2004 (
30. Minister MacKay Delivers As Keynote Address at the Permanent Joint Board on Defence. News Release NR 12.007. 24.01.2012 (
31. Naumetz T. Canada Begins Talks with U.S. Over Joint Defence // The National Post, 9.02.2002
32. New Defence Agreement with the U.S. 26.01.2012 (
33. Newman P. Our Policy: Made in America // Maclean's, 14.03.2005
34. Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence. 28.01.2002 (
35. Sallot G. Canadian Soldiers Face Risks Under U.S. Rule, Report Argues // The Globe and Mail, 26.04.2002.
36. Savage L. All for One? // Maclean's, 12.09.2005.
37. Stancati B. The Future of Canada's Role in Hemispheric Defense // Parameters, Autumn 2006. P. 103-116.
38. Stephenson A. Securing the Continent: Where is NORAD Today? CIC-CDFAI, November 2011. 12 p.
39. The Canada-U.S. Defence Relationship. Backgrounder. BG 13.055. 4.12.2014 (
40. Thompson A. PM Undecided on New Defence Link // The Toronto Star, 18.04.2002.
41. Tri Command Vision. March 2010 (
42. U.S. Military Occupation of Canada in the Work // TML Daily, № 211, 23.11.2001
43. Zubeck P. Arctic Could Be Next Hot Spot for NORAD // The Colorado Sprigs Gazette, 6.07.2009.


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