Additional sources and materials
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2. Kissindzher G. Diplomatiya. M., 1997.
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16. Abbot P. Political Thought in America. Long Grove (Ill.), 2005.
17. Ambrosius L.E. Wilsonianism: Woodrow Wilson and his Legacy in American Foreign Relations. New York, 2002.
18. Bacevich A. American Empire. Cambridge (Mass.), 2002.
19. Dawley A. Changing the World. American Progressives in War and Revolution. Princeton and Oxford, 2003.
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22. Levin N.G. Woodrow Wilson and World Politics: American Response to War and Revolution. New York, 1968.
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26. Progressivism and the New Democracy / Ed. by S.M. Milkis., J.M. Mileur. Amherst, 1999.
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28. The Paradox of a Global USA / Ed. by B. Mazlish, N. Shanda, K. Weisbrode. Stanford (California), 2007.
29. Weinberg A.K. Manifest Destiny. Baltimore, 1935.
30. Williams W.A. America and the Middle East. Open Door Imperialism or Enlightened Leadership? New York, 1958.
31. Williams W.A. The Tragedy of American Diplomacy. Cleveland, 1959.
32. Williams W.A. The Roots of the Modern American Empire. A Study of the Growth and Shaping of a Social Consciousness in a Marketing Society. New York, 1969.
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