The service sector rapid growth based on information technologies and a number of social and economic changes in the world contributed to the economy structure transformation towards a significant service industries share predominance in it. Nowadays, dynamically developing service industries account for a large share of GDP of both developed and developing countries, making the highest contribution to economic growth, providing the economic and social processes reproduction at a new qualitative level. The article provides a detailed analysis of the service sector contri bution to economic growth based on a study of its industrial structure on the exam ple of some developed and developing countries, the consideration of the service sec tor gross value added and employment indicators, the study of the United States in dustry and services dynamics in a crisis and recovery periods with a comparison of the results achieved in each sector of the economy. Also in the article, the interindus try interrelation between the manufacturing and the service sector is analyzed. The conclusion is made that the dynamically developing service sector in the modern economy is a biggest contributor to economic growth, being the most important sup plier and consumer of intermediate products and characterized by the greater stabil ity than industry sector in crisis periods with a significant recovery.
service industries, reproduction of the economy, contribution to economic growth, crisis period, interindustry interrelation, intermediate consumption
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