Additional sources and materials
1. Zyusse Ehrik. Transatlanticheskoe torgovoe partnyorstvo Obamy stanet katastrofoj dlya Evropy [Eric Zuesse. Obama's Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Would Be Disastrous for Europe]. Available at:
2. RIA Novosti. 06.10.2015. Available at:
3. Transatlanticheskoe torgovoe i investitsionnoe partnyorstvo: spasenie Evropy ili vtoraya Atlantida? // «Ehkonomicheskie nauki», 2015, №1. S.107-126.
4. Shrajer Markus. Transatlanticheskoe torgovoe i investitsionnoe partnyorstvo (TTIP). Sposobno li zaplanirovannoe soglashenie realizovat' obeschannoe? FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG. noyabr' 2014.
5. Francois Joseph et al.: Reducing Transatlantic Barriers to Trade and Investment: An Economic Assessment, CEPR Final Project Report on behalf of the European Commission, London 2013
6. Gucht Karel De. European Commissioner for Trade. Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership:
7. Malmström Cecilia. European Trade Commissioner. TTIP: How Europe Can Deliver. European Commission - Speech - Forum Europe's 2nd Annual EU-US Trade Conference. Brussels, 05 February 2015.
8. Merkel ponders Atlantic free trade zone // Financial Times. Malmström Cecilia. European Trade Commissioner. TTIP: How Europe Can Deliver. European Commission - Speech - Forum Europe's 2nd Annual EU-US Trade Conference. Brussels, 05.02.2015.
9. Opening free trade negotiations with the United States. Committee on International Trade (INTA) of the European Parliament / Brussels 21.02.2013.
10. Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. The Economic Analysis Explained Centre for Economic Policy Research. 2013. Available at:
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