Дополнительные библиографические источники и материалы
1. Казанцев А., Шумилина И. Иностранные боевики в «Исламском государстве». Проблема вербовки и возврата // РСМД. 2016. Avalable at: http://russiancouncil.ru/isfighters#how (accessed 18.05.2016).
2. Сводка боевых действий в Сирии с 5 по 9 мая // 24Международные новости. 10.05. 2016. Avalable at: http://in24.org/world/22412 (accessed 10.05.2016).
3. Сокрушительное поражение ИГИЛ у авиабазы Дейр-эз-Зор // Военные материалы. 17.04.2016. Avalable at: http://warfiles.ru/show-115297-sokrushitelnoe-porazhenie-igil-u-aviabazy-deyr-ez-zor-48-terroristov-ubito.html (accessed 10.05.2016).
4. Apple vs. FBI is a sign of a dangerous divide // CNN. 24.02,2016.
5. Apuzzo M., Mazzetti M., Schmidt M. Pentagon Expands Inquiry Into Intelligence on ISIS Surge// The New York Times. 21.11.2015.
6. Carter J., Maher S., Neumann P. #Greenbirds:Measuring Importance and Influence in Syrian Foreign Fighter Networks // ISCR. 2014. Avalable at: http://icsr.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/ICSR-Report-Greenbirds-Measuring-Importance-and-Infleunce-in-Syrian-Foreign-Fighter-Networks.pdf (accessed 05.05.2016).
7. Ellul J. Propaganda: the formation of men's attitudes, 1965/ Transl. from French. New York: Random House Vintage Books, 1973. 352 p.
8. Feinstein: ‘I've never been more concerned' // MS NBC, 16.11.2015.
9. Harris C. Obama Shifts Online Strategy on ISIS // The New York Times. 8.01.2016.
10. In new video, ISIS calls on teenagers and the elderly to join its ranks after suffering heavy casualties // Al Masdar Al-Arabi News. 26.04.2016.
11. Inside the hearts and minds of Arab Youth. 8th Annual ASDA’A Burson Marsteller Arab Youth Sutvey 2016.
12. Inserra D., Walters R. 80 Islamist Terrorist Plots: The U.S. Needs to Redouble Its Counterterrorism Efforts // The Heritage Foundation, 28.01.2016. Avalable at: http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2016/01/80-islamist-terrorist-plots-the-us-needs-to-redouble-its-counterterrorism-efforts (accessed 15.04.2016).
13. John Kerry goes to Hollywood for help countering ISIS // CNN. 19.02.2016.
14. Kheel R. Intel chiefs: Saudi, UAE ground troops unlikely to help against ISIS // The Hill. 9.02.2016.
15. Lederer F. UN report: More than 25 000 foreigners fight with terrorists // AP, 02.04.2015.
16. Motaparthy P., Coursen-Neff Z. Maybe We Live and Maybe We Die: Recruitment and Use of Children by Armed Groups in Syria // HRW, 22.06.2014.
17. Neumann P. Victims, Perpetrators, Assets: The Narratives of Islamic State Defectors // ISCR. 2015. Avalable at: (http://icsr.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/ICSR-Report-Victims-Perpertrators-Assets-The-Narratives-of-Islamic-State-Defectors.pdf (accessed 10.04.2016).
18. Nunes D. What the Obama administrations says about ISIS "just doesn't jive with what we see on the ground" // CNN, State of the Union. 22.11. 2015.
19. Obama admin. hosts meeting with social media companies to combat extremism // CNBS. 24.02.2016.
20. Pagliery L., Segall L. White House asks Silicon Valley to help silence ISIS online // CNN Money. 8.01.2016.
21. Pickersgill P. Normative Islam Report // 5Pilars, February 2016. P. 26. Avalable at: http://5pillarsuk.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/5Pillars_Normative_Islam_Report_2016.pdf (accessed 10.04.2016).
22. President Obama delivered his final State of the Union address on January 12th. 2016. Avalable at: https://www.whitehouse.gov/sotu (accessed 15.04.2016).
23. Press Conference by President Obama // The White House. 22.11.2015. Avalable at: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/11/22/remarks-president-obama-press-conference (accessed 15.04.2016).
24. Remarks Antony J. Blinken. New Frameworks for Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism // The White House. 16.02.2016. Avalable at: http://www.state.gov/s/d/2016d/252547.htm (accessed 15.04/2016).
25. Remarks by Lisa O. Monaco. Evolving to Meet the New Terrorist Threat // Council on Foreign Relations - Kenneth A. Moskow Memorial Lecture. 17.03.2016. Avalable at: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/03/07/remarks-lisa-o-monaco-council-foreign-relations-kenneth-moskow-memorial (accessed 17.03.2016).
26. Remarks Tina S. Kaidanow. Countering the Spread of ISIS and Other Threats // U.S. Department of States. 3.02.2016. Avalable at: http://www.state.gov/j/ct/rls/rm/252082.htm (accessed: 17.03.2016).
27. Silicon Valley appears open to helping U.S. spy agencies after terrorism summit // The Guardian. 8.01. 2016.
28. Top Democrat says Obama's ISIS strategy isn't sufficient // CBS, 22.11.2015.
29. UN says '25 000 foreign fighters' joined Islamist militants // BBC News, 2.04.2015
30. U.S. Government Meeting with Technology Executives on Counterterrorism // The Wall Street Journal. 8.01.2016.
31. U.S. enlists new recruit in fight against ISIS: Hollywood // CBS 18.02.2016.
32. White House asks Silicon Valley to help silence ISIS online // TVContinental. 10.01.2016.
33. White House announces new plan to fight Islamic State propaganda // Reuters. 8. 01. 2016.
34. Winter Ch. The Virtual "Caliphatte": Understanding Islamic State's Propaganda Strategy // Quilliam, July 2015, p. 7-21.
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