Additional sources and materials
1. Vystuplenie Postoyannogo predstavitelya Kyrgyzstana pri OON. 46-ya sessiya Komissii OON po narodonaseleniyu i razvitiyu (
2. Lebedeva L.F. Immigratsionnaya politika SShA: osnovopolagayuschie tseli i printsipy//Vestnik Rossijskogo ehkonomicheskogo universiteta imeni G.V. Plekhanova. 2013. № 11.
3. Lebedeva L.F. SShA. Gosudarstvo i sotsial'naya politika. Rossijskaya akad. nauk, In-t Soedinennykh Shtatov Ameriki i Kanady. Moskva, 2007.
4. ACS -American Community Survey, 2013.
5. Bureau of Labor Statistics. US. DOL. January 2014.
6. Building a 21st Century Immigration System. The White House (
7. Eurostat, 2013.
8. International Migration Report 2013. UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. December 2013.
9. Migration Report. IOM, 2013.
10. OECD International Migration Outlook. OECD, 2012.
11. Science & Engineering Indicators, 2014.
12. The Foreign-Born Population in the U.S. Washington, U.S. Census Bureau, 2012.13. Then and Now: America's New Immigrant Entrepreneurs VII.
14. UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division 2013.
15. UN Trends in International Migrant Stock: The 2013 Revision.
16. World Economic Forum. The Global Competitiveness Report. Geneva, 2013-2014.
17. World Migration in Figures. 2013.
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