Additional sources and materials
1. The African Union. Statement by the Chairperson of the African Union Commission on the Outcome of the 2008 Presidential and Legislative Elections in the United States of America. Addis Ababa,
2. «The Daily Independent» (Lagos), 6.11.2008.
3. «The Monitor» (Kampala), 6.11.2008.
4. «The Business Day» (Johannesburg), 7.11.2008.
5. «The Vanguard» (Lagos), 10.11.2008.
6., 10.11.2008.
7., 28.09.2008.
8., 7.09.2008.
9. «The Washington Post», 8.12.2008.
10. C a r t e r III Ph. Address to the First Annual International Conference on Africa. The Arizona
State University. 21.11.2008.
12. C a r t e r III Ph. The United States Unprecendented Commitment to Africa. 2000 to 2008 and Beyond. The World Affairs Council of Arizona. Wash., 20.11.2008.
13. President Bush Meets with First Vice President of the Government of National Unity of the Republic of Sudan and President of the Government of Southern Sudan Salva Kiir Mayardita. Wash.,
15. «The New York Times», 27.12.2008.
16., 8.01.2009
17. «The Christian Science Monitor». Chicago, 24.12.2008.
18. Secretary Condoleezza Rice. Combating the Scourge of Piracy. N.Y., 16.12.2008.
19. «The New York Times», 8.01.2009.
20. Podrobnee sm. Vishnevskij M.L. Pax Americana i strany Afriki. M., 2003; Vish -
nevskij M.L. Amerikanskaya «imperiya» v Afrike: mif ili real'nost'. M., 2007.
21. L o r n e W. Craner (International Republican Institute) and W o l l a c k K. (National Democratic
Institute). New Directions for Democracy Promotion, Wash. 2008. * Imeetsya v vidu Strategiya natsional'noj bezopasnosti SShA, vvedyonnaya v dejstvie v sentyabre 2002 g. ukazom prezidenta. Eyo novaya redaktsiya byla opublikovana v marte 2006 g.
22. L o r n e W. and W o l l a c k K. Op. cit.
23. Obama 08. Foreign Policy at a Glance. Barack Obama’s Plan, r. 3
( policy).
24. Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World. The National Intelligence Council. Wash., November
2008, r. XI.
25. O b a m a B. An American Story. The Speeches of Barack Obama. Toronto, 2008, rp. 271–283.
26., 29.09.2008.
27. «Global Trends 2025», Op. cit., r. VIII.
28. President Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address, Wash., 20.01.2009, r. 3
29., 23.01.2009.
30. Hillary Clinton Nomination Hearings. Wash., 23.01.2009, p. 14.
31., 29.09.2008.
32. Ibidem.
33. Ibidem.
34. Vishnevskij M.L. Pax Americana i strany Afriki.
35., 9.02.2009.
36. Ibidem.
37. Ibidem.
38., 28.01.2009.
39. Ibidem.
40., 22.10.2008.
41. The U.S. Department of State. Visit of the Somaliland Delegation, Wash., 20.01.2008.
42. T h o m a s -G r e e n f i e l d L. Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs.
Remarks on AFRICOM. – «Army National Guard Directorate». Wash., 5.12.2007.
43. Ibidem.
44. «The New York Times», 14.01.2009.
45. Ibidem.
46., 10.02.2009.
48. http://news.mail/politics/235252/print/, 6.02.2009
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